Favorite Words

And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Sunday, July 4, 2010

But...I Write YA

I've written one novel for adults. It's so far from my usual style, I don't even include it in my number. Kind of like that girl you went to school with who was "technically" a virgin until she got married because there was always some reason her trysts didn't count.

Fine, technically I've written five books and am still not published. I queried for only two of them though, so I don't think the other three should count against me.

I realize that's a lot of books written with no intention of trying to get them published. So sue me. I like to write.

Last night I had a dream. It was so vivid and so tangible for lack of a better word, it threw me for a few hours. I kind of had trouble pulling out of the dream. I just wanted to keep thinking about it. Now I feel this knee-jerk urge to write it. I can push aside all the details and see the core of a fantastic plot.

But, see. I write young adult novels. I always have..except for the one time that doesn't count. Would you please stop mentioning it?!? I write YA, okay?

And the part of my dream that keeps finding its way back into my conscious thoughts is not for the YA audience. Not at all. I blush to consider it. It would fit more comfortably with the kind of scenes found in the Fever series (and if you haven't read it, you should. Because it's a-MA-zing.)

So, short post, big problem.

Write something so outside my genre I'll probably never try to publish it, or stick with work that actually might get me somewhere?


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